Dear Steve Rotheram,
We, the undersigned, support ACORN Liverpool’s campaign to Take Back Our Buses. The demand is simple: that the Liverpool City Region introduce the franchise model to bring the bus network into public control.
The privatisation of the bus network has been disastrous for the people of our city. Prices are too high and the ticketing system too complicated with different operators requiring different tickets. There are unacceptable gaps in the network with some areas left stranded without any bus service and many others not provided with a night service.
The result is people experiencing huge difficulty just to get to hospital, to work or to see friends or family. The result is social isolation and untold hardship. We see how this disproportionately impacts disabled people, people in poverty and/or in insecure work.
All the while, the private companies that run these services have been wracking up profits whilst not paying fair wages to their staff.
Liverpool City Region is currently considering bus reform. Not only will franchising allow us to right these wrongs, in the long term the economic and environmental benefits will prove themselves to be huge. We demand that the franchise model is implemented so that we can create a public transport network in the public interest.
We demand that these franchise powers are used to set routes according to need, not what is profitable. We demand regulation of ticket prices; the creation of daily fare caps and a simple integrated ticket system across all buses and trains. We demand that community groups and trade unions be represented at every stage of decision-making processes.
1. Announce a publicly franchised bus network for the Liverpool City Region by 11/03
We demand that this network has the following
- Affordable fares that work for all; maximum of £1.50 per journey; an accessible London-style integrated travel system; daily spending caps.
Routes that work for the people of Merseyside; introduce new routes linking the North of Liverpool with the city centre and the South.
A bus network that is accountable to the people of Merseyside; accountability options included in the public consultation and a public commitment to give bus users and workers opportunity to hold the services accountable, including a citizens assembly for transport.
The return and expansion of night buses across the region; the return of the 86 night bus and expansion of provision in Liverpool; at least one nightbus in every local authority in the LCR.
Private profit is no way to organise public transport. Implement the franchise model.
Yours sincerely,
ACORN LIverpool and the undersigned: