ACORN North West region

ACORN North West region

image of ACORN North West region

ACORN's North West region contains the Branches and Groups Manchester and Liverpool, as well as many other members in other towns and cities, all fighting campaigns on the issues that matter to them. Join in with an action near you so we can win.

We are stronger together.

ACORN's North West region contains the Branches and Groups Manchester and Liverpool, as well as many other members in other towns and cities, all fighting campaigns on the issues that matter to them. Join in with an action near you so we can win.

We are stronger together.

Clean Up County Liverpool!

ACORN Liverpool are calling on Laura Robertson-Collins (Cabinet Member for Communities, Neighbourhoods, and StreetScene Services) and County Ward councillors to do more to tackle the increasing problem of dog fouling in County, Walton.

Please sign below to support our demands letter. 

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Thanks for supporting our campaign to #CleanUpCounty! To win our campaign we'll need everyone to stand together, so your support means a lot.

If you'd like to get involved, you can become a member here: