ACORN England & Wales Campaigns

ACORN England & Wales Campaigns

ACORN's National Campaigns.

Join in with a national action so we can win. We are stronger together.

ACORN's National Campaigns.

Join in with a national action so we can win. We are stronger together.

Email your candidates - Housing

On July 4th, the nation will go to the polls. ACORN is focusing on 4 demands at this election, both looking to national parties to deliver the changes we need, but also calling on local candidates to commit to fighting for these areas if they are elected.

Use this template to write to your local candidates and tell them to support ACORN's housing demands; end no fault evictions, bring in rent control, safe and decent homes for all, and public investment in public housebuilding. You can maximise your impact by using your voice to personalise the message.

Compose your email